Mohonk Preserve

179 Trails 152 POIs 7 Peaks 1 Campsite 2 Picnic Sites 37 Viewpoints

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The Mohonk Preserve is a nature preserve in the Shawangunk Ridge, a section of the Appalachian Mountains, 90 miles (140 km) north of New York City in Ulster County, New York. The preserve has over 8,000 acres (32 km2) of cliffs, forests, fields, ponds and streams, with over 70 miles (110 km) of carriage roads and 40 miles (60 km) of trails for hiking, cycling, trail running, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and horseback riding. It is also a major destination for rock climbers, hosting 50,000 climbers each year who enjoy more than 1,000 climbing routes.

Trails in the Hikepack map

  • Ant's Line
  • Arching Rocks Path
  • Arrow
  • Ayers Jeep Trail
  • Baby / Easy O
  • Bayard's Path
  • Beacon Hill Trail
  • Birchen Trail
  • Blue Trail
  • Bonticou Ascent Trail (Yellow)
  • Bonticou Path
  • Bonticou Road
  • Bull Wheel Trail (White)
  • Cakewalk
  • Cathedral Path
  • Cedar Drive
  • Cedar Drive Loop
  • Cedar Trail
  • Chapel Trail
  • Children's Forest Trail
  • Clearwater Road
  • Closed
  • Clothing Optional Swim Area access {Yellow}
  • Clove Path
  • Cope's Lookout Trail
  • Copes Lookout Road
  • Coxing Trail
  • Crag Trail
  • Duck Pond Road
  • Duck Pond Trail
  • Eagle Cliff Ascent
  • Eagle Cliff Crossover
  • Eagle Cliff Road
  • East Trapps Connector
  • East Trapps Connector (Stairmaster)
  • Enderly's Path (Yellow)
  • Farm Road
  • Field Loop
  • Foothills Loop (Yellow)
  • Foothills Trail (Yellow)
  • Forest Drive
  • Gertrude's Nose Trail
  • Giant's Workshop
  • Glen Anna Drive
  • Glory Hill Field Path
  • Glory Hill Road
  • Glory Hill Trail
  • Guyot Hill Road
  • Handicap Access Ramp
  • Hans Puss
  • Hemlock Lane
  • High E
  • High Peter's Kill Trail (Blue)
  • Home Farm Circle
  • Home Farm Drive
  • Humpty Dumpty Path
  • Humpty Dumpty Rd
  • J & S Grafton Sensory Trail
  • Jackie
  • King's Lane
  • Kleinekill
  • Lake Shore Road
  • Lakeshore Path
  • Lambdin's Path
  • Laurel Ledge
  • Laurel Ledge Path
  • Laverne Thompson Nature Trail (Green)
  • Lenape Lane
  • Long Woodland Drive
  • Lost City Trail
  • Madam G's
  • Maple Path
  • Mill Run
  • Millbrook Cross-Path
  • Millbrook Mountain Carriage Road
  • Millbrook Mountain Trail
  • Millbrook Ridge Trail
  • Minty
  • Mohonk Path
  • Mossy Brook Path
  • Mossy Brook Road
  • Near Trapps Climbing Access
  • North Lookout Rd
  • North Lookout Shortcut
  • Northeast Trail
  • Northwest Trail
  • Oakwood Drive
  • Old Canon Road
  • Old Minnewaska Trail
  • Old Minnewaska Trl
  • Old Pasture Bypass
  • Old Pasture Loop
  • Old Stage Road
  • Outback Slab
  • Overcliff Carriage Road
  • Partridgeberry Trail
  • Peter's Kill Parking Connector (White)
  • Pine Water Reservoir Road
  • Pinkster Path
  • Piny Woods
  • Plateau Path
  • Poison Ivy Path
  • Pond Loop
  • Red Trail
  • Rhododendron Bridge
  • Rock Rift Rd
  • Rock Rift Trail
  • Sassafrass Path
  • Shawangunk Ridge Trail
  • Shockley's
  • Shongum Path (Red)
  • Short Woodland Drive
  • Sixish
  • Ski Loop
  • Ski Loop-Clearwater Road Connector
  • Skytop Rd
  • Spring Farm Road
  • Staircliff Path
  • Stokes Trail
  • Strictly's
  • Sunset Path
  • Table Rocks Trail
  • Table Rocks Trail;Northwest Trail
  • Terrace Road
  • Terrace Trail
  • The Labyrinth
  • Trapps Hamlet Path
  • Trapps Parking Access
  • Trapps Road Bridge
  • Trapps Trail
  • Undercliff Carriage Road
  • Undercliff Path
  • Undivided Lot Trail
  • Unmarked Herd Path
  • Van Leuven Cabin Access
  • West Trapps Parking Connector
  • Whitney Road
  • Woodland Drive Short Cut
  • Woodland Path
  • Woodside Trail (Future Northeast Trail)
  • Woodside Trail Connector
  • Zaidee's Path

Attractions in the Hikepack map

  • Area closed for camping
  • Artist's Rock
  • Bayards
  • Bonticou Crag
  • Clove Chapel Parking
  • Compass Rock
  • Copes Lookout
  • Dickie Barre
  • Eagle Cliff
  • Eagle Cliff Road
  • Five-way
  • Glory Hill Trail
  • Guyot Hill
  • Hairpin Pull-Off
  • Handicap Parking
  • Hawkwatch
  • Lake Minnewaska
  • Millbrook
  • Millbrook Crag
  • Millbrook Mountain
  • Millbrook Mountain Viewpoint
  • Million Dollar View
  • Mohonk Lake
  • Mossy Brook Waterfall
  • Near Trapps
  • North Lookout
  • Old Minnewaska Trail
  • Ouback Slab
  • Outback Slab
  • Overlook
  • Penny's Perch
  • Peterskill East Cliff
  • Peterskill West Cliff
  • Pine Hill
  • Pine Road Entry Parking
  • Pinnacle Rock
  • Rock Hill 951'
  • Route 44/55 Overlook
  • SCA Parking
  • Samuel F. Pryor III Shawangunk Gateway Campground
  • Shawangunk Campground Parking
  • Skytop
  • Spring
  • Spring Farm Entry Parking
  • Spring Farm Event Parking
  • Spring Farm Parking
  • Sunset Rock
  • Table Rocks
  • The Trapps
  • Wawarsing Parking
  • West Trapps Parking
  • Whale's Head


The PDF and JPG maps are released by Hikepack under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Contains data ©OpenStreetMap contributors ( under the Open Database License ( Topographic map based on elevation data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Aerial imagery available from the U.S. Geological Survey. Description text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License from Wikipedia ( Cover image ©Mwanner CC BY-SA 3.0 (