The Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge is a wildlife preserve operated by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service on the Nisqually River Delta near Puget Sound in northeastern Thurston County, Washington and northwestern Pierce County, Washington. The refuge is located just off Interstate 5, between the cities of Tacoma and Olympia. The wildlife refuge is home to the Nisqually River Delta, which has the unique status as Washington's largest relatively undisturbed estuary. The confluence of the freshwater Nisqually River and the saltwater south Puget Sound has created a variety of unique environments, each rich in nutrients and natural resources for the local wildlife. The delta provides habitats for more than 300 different species of fish and wildlife. Over 20,000 birds, made up of 275 different migrating species, use the freshwater marshes and grasslands for breeding, resting or wintering. The most abundant bird types include raptors, shorebirds and songbirds. Larger animals such as hawks and coyotes feast in the grassland due to the presence of mice and voles. The riparian woodland and brush habitats contain many amphibians, mammals and reptiles.
Trails in the Hikepack map
Nisqually Estuary Boardwalk Trail
Riparian Forest Overlook Trail
Twin Barns Loop Trail
Attractions in the Hikepack map
Luhr Beach Boat Launch
McAllister Creek Viewing Platform
Nisqually Head
Nisqually Reach Nature Center
Nisqually River Overlook
Norm Dicks Visitor Center
Observation Tower
Puget Sound Viewing Platform
Riparian Forest Overlook
Seasonal Trail Closure
Shannon Slough Blind
Twin Barns Observation Platform
Visitor Parking East
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