Lime Kiln Point State Park

5 Trails 11 POIs 1 Picnic Site 2 Viewpoints

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Lime Kiln Point State Park is a 42-acre Washington state park on the western shore of San Juan Island in the San Juan archipelago. The park is considered one of the best places in the world to view wild orcas from a land-based facility. Due to the unique bathymetric properties of the site, visitors on the shore can be within 20 feet of whales jumping out of the water (breaching and spyhopping). The park was the site of lime kilns beginning in 1860, and one kiln has been restored as a public exhibit. The park provides opportunities for picnicking, hiking, beachcombing, orca watching, and tours of the still operational Lime Kiln Light. An interpretive center has displays and activities about orcas and the area's former lime kiln industry. The park is supported in part by the Friends of Lime Kiln. Volunteers and marine naturalists are often onsite to assist and educate visitors.

Trails in the Hikepack map

Attractions in the Hikepack map

  • Lime Kiln Point State Park Ranger Station
  • Ralph and Karen Munro Overlook
  • Whale Watch Site


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Contains data ©OpenStreetMap contributors ( under the Open Database License ( Topographic map based on elevation data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Aerial imagery available from the U.S. Geological Survey. Description text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License from Wikipedia ( Cover image ©Draugen Public Domain.