Mount Rainier, an active stratovolcano, is the most prominent peak in the Cascades and is covered by 26 named glaciers including Carbon Glacier and Emmons Glacier, the largest in the contiguous United States. The mountain is popular for climbing, and more than half of the park is covered by subalpine and alpine forests and meadows seasonally in bloom with wildflowers. Paradise on the south slope is the snowiest place on Earth where snowfall is measured regularly. The Longmire visitor center is the start of the Wonderland Trail, which encircles the mountain.
Trails in the Hikepack map
Alta Vista Trail
American Ridge Trail
American Ridge Trail #958
Avalanche Lily Trail
Bench and Snow Lake Trail
Burroughs Mountain Trail
Camp Muir Route
Carbon Glacier Trail
Carbon River Suspension Bridge
Carbon River Trail
Comet Falls Trail
Comet Falls-Van Trump Trail
Cougar Lakes Trail
Cowlitz Divide Trail
Crystal Lakes Trail
Crystal Mountain Trail
Crystal Peak Trail
Dead Horse Creek Trail
Deer Creek Falls to Owyhigh Lakes
Disappointment Cleaver Route
Eagle Peak Trail
Eastside Trail
Emerald Ridge Trail
Emmons Glacier Route
Emmons Moraine Trail
Florence Peak Trail
Glacier Basin Trail
Glacier Vista Trail
Gobbler's Knob Trail
Golden Gate Trail
Golden Lakes Trail
Green Lake Trail
Hidden Lake spur
High Lakes Trail
Huckleberry Creek Trail
Indian Bar Trail
Indian Henry's Hunting Ground via Kautz Creek
Indian Henry's Hunting Ground via Longmire Trail
Kautz Creek Trail
Klapatche Park Trail
Knapsack Pass Trail
Lake Eleanor Trail
Lake Eleanor and Grand Ridge
Lake George Trail
Lake James Trail
Lakeshore Access
Laughingwater Creek Trail
Lower Lakes Trail
Mazama Ridge Trail
Mirror Lakes Trail
Moraine Park Trail
Mount Fremont Lookout Trail
Mowich Access
Mystic Cabin Spur
Mystic Lake Trail
Mystic Lake via Sunrise
Naches Peak Loop Trail
Narada Falls Trail
Natural Bridge Trail
Nisqually Vista
North Puyallup Trail
Northern Loop Trail
Northway Tr
Owyhigh Lakes Trail
PCT - Washington Section I
Pacific Crest Trail
Palisades Lake Trail
Paradise Glacier Trail
Paul Peak Trail
Pebble Creek Trail
Pinnacle Peak Trail
Puyallup Trail #248
Rampart Ridge Trail
Shriner Peak Trail
Silver Falls Loop Trail
Silver Falls Trail
Skyline Trail
Sourdough Ridge Trail
South Puyallup Trail
Spray Falls Spur
Spray Park Trail
St. Andrews Creek Trail
Stevens Creek Trail
Summerland Trail
Sunrise Lake spur
Sunrise Rim
Sunrise Trail
Tahoma Creek Trail
Three Lakes Trail
Tolmie Peak Trail
Trail of the Shadows
Upper Skyline Trail
Van Trump Trail
Waterfall Trail
West Boundary Trail
Westside Road
William O. Douglas Trail
Wonderland Trail
Attractions in the Hikepack map
1st Burroughs Mountain
2nd Burroughs Mountain
3rd Burroughs Mountain
Affi Falls
Alice Falls
Alki Crest
Antler Peak
Anvil Rock
Arthur Peak
August Peak
Aurora Peak
Baker Point
Bald Rock
Banshee Peak
Barrier Peak
Basalt Cliff
Basaltic Falls
Berry Peak
Big Cedar
Boundary Peak
Box Canyon
Brown Peak
Buell Peak
Butler Shelter
Cadaver Gap
Camp Curtis
Camp Hazard
Camp Muir
Camp Schurman
Camp Summerland
Canyon Rim Viewpoint
Carbon Glacier Trail
Carbon River Camp
Carter Falls
Castle Peak
Cataract Falls
Cataract Valley Camp
Cathedral Rocks
Cayuse Pass
Chenuis Mountain
Chinook Pass
Christine Falls
Chutla Peak
Comet Falls
Comet Falls Trail
Comet Falls Trailhead
Comet Falls Viewpoint
Copper Mountain
Cougar Falls
Cougar Rock
Cougar Rock Campground
Cougar Rock Ranger Station
Cowlitz Rocks
Crescent Mountain
Cress Falls
Crystal Peak Trail
Day Use Parking
Dege Peak
Denman Falls
Denman Peak
Division Rock
Double Peak
Double Toilet (Under Construction)
Drinking water
Eagle Cliff
Eagle Cliff Viewpoint
Eagle Peak
Eagle's Roost Camp
Echo Cliffs
Echo Rock
Elizabeth Ridge
Emmons Vista
Ethania Falls
Fairy Falls
Faraway Rock
Fay Peak
Florence Peak
Foss Peak
Fryingpan Creek Trailhead
Garda Falls
General Store
Giant Falls
Gibraltar Rock
Glacier Basin Camp
Glacier Island
Glacier Overlook
Glacier Vista
Goat Island Mountain
Gobbler's Knob Fire Lookout
Gobblers Knob
Golden Gate Falls
Gove Peak
Group Site
Grove of the Patriarchs
Hessong Rock
Howard Peak
Inspiration Point
Ipsut Creek
Ipsut Falls
Ipsut Pass
Iron Mountain
Jackson Visitor Center
Jeanette Heights
Kautz Creek Trailhead
Kautz Ice Cliff
Klapatche Park
Klapatche Point
Lake Eleanor Camp
Lane Peak
Larrupin Falls
Liberty Cap
Little Tahoma
Longmire Gate
Longmire Museum
Longmire Post Office (historical)
Lower Crystal Lake Camp
Madcap Falls
Marcus Peak
Margaret Falls
Martha Falls
Martin Peak
McClure Rock
McNeeley Peak
Meany Crest
Mildred Point
Mineral Mountain
Mist Park
Mother Mountain
Mount Ararat
Mount Fremont
Mount Fremont Lookout
Mount Pleasant
Mount Rainer Pass Parking
Mount Rainier Sunrise Information Center
Mount Ruth
Mount Wow
Mowich Face
Mowich Lake Campground
Myrtle Falls
Myrtle Falls Viewpoint
Nahunta Falls
Narada Falls
National Park Inn
Needle Rock
Nisqually Ice Cliff
Nisqually Vista
Northern Crags
Observation Rock
Ohanapecosh Campground
Ohanapecosh Hot Springs
Ohanapecosh Visitor Center
Olallie Creek Camp
Old Desolate
Pacific Point
Panhandle Gap
Panorama Point
Paradise Climbing Information Center
Paradise Falls
Paradise Inn
Paradise Ranger Station
Paul Peak
Paul Peak Trailhead
Pigeon Peak
Pinnacle Peak
Pinnacle Saddle
Plummer Peak
Point Success
Potable Water
Puyallup Cleaver
Pyramid Peak
Ranger Falls
Redstone Peak
Ricksecker Point
Ruby Falls
Russell Cliff
Saint Andrews Rock
Satulick Mountain
Seymour Peak
Shriner Peak
Shriner Peak Lookout
Silver Falls
Silver Falls Overlook
Silver Falls Trail
Silver King
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Skyline Trail
Skyscraper Mountain
Slide Mountain
Sluiskin Falls
Sluiskin Mountain
Snow Lake Camp
Sourdough Mountains
Spray Falls
Spray Park
Steamboat Prow
Stevens Peak
Sunrise Camp
Sunrise Lodge Post Office (historical)
Sunrise Point
Sunrise Visitor Center
Sweet Peak
Tamanos Mountain
Tato Falls
The Castle
The Palisades
The Ramparts
The Throne
Tillicum Point
Tirzah Peak
Tokaloo Rock
Tokaloo Spire
Tolmie Peak
Transportation Exhibit
Trixie Falls
Tumtum Peak
Twin Firs Trailhead
Tyee Peak
Unicorn Peak
Upper Crystal Lake Camp
Upper Van Horn Falls
Van Horn Falls
Virginia Peak
Wahpenayo Peak
Wallace Peak
Washington Cascades
White River Campground
White River Patrol Cabin
White River Ranger Station
Whitman Crest
Willis Wall
Wilson Glacier Falls
Wilson Headwall
Wonderland Trail
Yellowstone Cliffs
The PDF and JPG maps are released by Hikepack under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)