Caribou National Forest

363 Trails 88 POIs 61 Peaks 3 Campsites 1 Viewpoint

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The forest’s Jedediah Smith Wilderness has many caves and the Winegar Hole Wilderness protects grizzly bear habitat in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. The Upper and Lower Mesa Falls are on Henrys Fork of the Snake River and tours of Minnetonka Cave are available.

Trails in the Hikepack map

  • 2400 South
  • Big Canyon Road
  • Bird Canyon trail
  • Black Canyon Road
  • Boundary Trail
  • Caribou National Forest Road
  • Caribou National Forest Road 1
  • Caribou National Forest Road 106
  • Caribou National Forest Road 107
  • Caribou National Forest Road 112
  • Caribou National Forest Road 123
  • Caribou National Forest Road 128
  • Caribou National Forest Road 133
  • Caribou National Forest Road 140
  • Caribou National Forest Road 147
  • Caribou National Forest Road 155
  • Caribou National Forest Road 156
  • Caribou National Forest Road 201
  • Caribou National Forest Road 206
  • Caribou National Forest Road 208
  • Caribou National Forest Road 21
  • Caribou National Forest Road 22
  • Caribou National Forest Road 23
  • Caribou National Forest Road 352
  • Caribou National Forest Road 359
  • Caribou National Forest Road 387
  • Carl Barnes Road
  • City Creek Road
  • Cow Creek
  • Diamond Creek Road
  • Foot Trail
  • Forest Trail 112
  • Green Canyon Traverse
  • Hawk's Roost Road
  • Kinney Creek Trail
  • Lander Trail
  • Landslide Trail
  • Maple Canyon North Fork
  • Maple Canyon Road
  • Mm Road
  • National Forest Development Road 058
  • National Forest Development Road 066 Trail
  • National Forest Development Road 074
  • National Forest Development Road 078 Trail
  • National Forest Development Road 083
  • National Forest Development Road 118
  • National Forest Development Road 136
  • National Forest Development Road 148
  • National Forest Development Road 151
  • National Forest Development Road 155
  • National Forest Development Road 157 Trail
  • National Forest Development Road 158 Trail
  • National Forest Development Road 159
  • National Forest Development Road 165
  • National Forest Development Road 188
  • National Forest Development Road 204
  • National Forest Development Road 826
  • National Forest Development Road 834
  • National Forest Road 107
  • National Forest Road 140
  • National Forest Road 197
  • National Forest Road 229
  • National Forest Road 332
  • National Forest Road 365
  • Northern Lights Road
  • Pebble Lane
  • Poker Peak Trail
  • Rattlesnake Canyon Road
  • Red Canyon Road
  • Road 114
  • Road 129
  • Road 239
  • Road 477
  • Road 497
  • Serengeti Trail
  • Skyline Road
  • Snowslide Driveway
  • South Bowl Cat Track
  • South Fork of Tincup
  • South Sulphur Canyon Road
  • Stacy's
  • Stewart Canyon Road
  • Toponce Canyon Road
  • Trail 099
  • Trail 104
  • Trail 105
  • Trail 112
  • Trail 149
  • Trail 227
  • Trail 424
  • Trail 430
  • Trail 433
  • Trail 434
  • Trail Creek Road

Attractions in the Hikepack map

  • Alpine Market
  • Alpine Post Office
  • Bald Mountain
  • Big Elk Mountain
  • Bitters Peak
  • Black Mountain
  • Bonneville Peak
  • Buck Peak
  • Bull Moose
  • Calamity Point
  • Caribou City
  • Caribou Mountain
  • Cheeseburger Factory
  • Clarkston Mountain
  • Clover Knoll
  • Congress Knob
  • Diamond Peak
  • Draney Peak
  • Elkhorn Mountain
  • Elkhorn Peak
  • Fall Creek Falls
  • Falls
  • Falls Group Campground
  • Flag Knoll
  • Flatiron
  • Geneva Summit
  • Gibson Mountain
  • Giveout
  • Green Mountain
  • Gunsight Peak
  • Harrington Peak
  • Hawks Peak
  • Haystack Mountain
  • Henry Peak
  • Indian Mountain
  • Jensen Pass
  • Keenan City
  • Kents Peak
  • Kinport Peak
  • Little Elk Mountain
  • Meade Peak
  • Mount Baldy
  • Old Baldy Peak
  • Old Tom Mountain
  • Oxford Peak
  • Point Lookout
  • Poker Peak
  • Rattlesnake Peak
  • Red Knoll
  • Red Mountain
  • Red Peak
  • Rock Knoll
  • Scout Mountain
  • Shale Point
  • Sheep Dip Mountain
  • Slate Mountain
  • Snow Peak
  • Snowside Point
  • Spring Creek Boat Ramp
  • Stump Peak
  • Sulphur Peak
  • Table Mountain
  • Three Knolls
  • Threemile Peak
  • Tincup Mountain
  • Van Point
  • Wakley Peak
  • Weston Peak
  • Wild Mountain
  • Wolf Mountain
  • Yankee Doodle


The PDF and JPG maps are released by Hikepack under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Contains data ©OpenStreetMap contributors ( under the Open Database License ( Topographic map based on elevation data from (Jonathan de Ferranti). Description text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License from Wikipedia ( Cover image ©Zechariah Judy CC BY 3.0 (