Bighorn National Forest

534 Trails 251 POIs 55 Peaks 21 Campsites 2 Picnic Sites 21 Viewpoints

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In the Big Horn Mountains of north-central Wyoming, Bighorn National Forest has eight lodges, several reservoirs, and 1,500 mi (2,400 km) of trails. Elevation reach 13,167 ft (4,013 m) at Cloud Peak in the Cloud Peak Wilderness, which is also the location of the Cloud Peak Glacier.

Trails in the Hikepack map

  • Bear Gulch Trail
  • Childs Creek Road
  • Cold Springs Road
  • Cull Watt Park Road
  • Dry Fork Trail
  • Dry Horse Trail
  • Edelman Trail
  • Elkhorn Trail
  • Evans Road
  • FS 284411
  • FS 450
  • FS 451
  • FS 472
  • FS 473
  • FS 481
  • FS 485
  • FS 508.02
  • FS 511
  • FS 512
  • FS 522312
  • FS 522313
  • FS 523211
  • FS 523213
  • FS 523215
  • FS 533322
  • FS 533324
  • FS 582411
  • FS 584115
  • FS 584412
  • FSR 114
  • FSR 115
  • FSR 116
  • FSR 144
  • FSR 145
  • FSR 147
  • FSR 194
  • FSR 211
  • FSR 216: Cedar Creek Road
  • FSR 217
  • FSR 220
  • FSR 286
  • FSR 301
  • FSR 309
  • FSR 316
  • FSR 365
  • FSR 375
  • FSR 385
  • FSR 386
  • FSR 387
  • FSR 388
  • FSR 391
  • FSR 394
  • FSR 396
  • FSR 397
  • FSR 398
  • FSR 399
  • FSR 430
  • FSR 457
  • FSR 472213
  • FSR 605
  • FSR 649
  • FSR 935
  • FSR 937
  • FSR126
  • Forest Road 211117
  • Forest Road 211121
  • Forest Route 156
  • Forest Route 160
  • Forest Route 169
  • Forest Route 172
  • Forest Route 176
  • Forest Route 186
  • Forest Route 187
  • Forest Route 193
  • Forest Route 206
  • Forest Route 214
  • Forest Route 215
  • Forest Route 222
  • Forest Route 226
  • Forest Route 227
  • Forest Route 231
  • Forest Route 232
  • Forest Route 233
  • Forest Route 277
  • Forest Route 278
  • Forest Route 282
  • Forest Route 518
  • Forest Route 520
  • Forest Route 523
  • Forest Route 524
  • Forest Route 670
  • Forest Rt 227
  • Forest Service Road 122
  • Forest Service Road 144
  • Forest Service Road 15
  • Forest Service Road 150
  • Forest Service Road 167
  • Forest Service Road 168
  • Forest Service Road 178
  • Forest Service Road 201
  • Forest Service Road 283
  • Forest Service Road 297
  • Forest Service Road 299
  • Forest Service Road 311
  • Forest Service Road 661
  • Forest Service Route 233
  • Freeze Out Road
  • Freeze Out Stock Trail
  • French Creek Mountain Road
  • Horse Creek Mesa Road
  • Hunter Mesa Road
  • Jeep Trail
  • Lake Creek Road
  • Little Horn Trail
  • Lower Dry Fork Road
  • Marble Quarry Road
  • Muddy Creek Cabin
  • North Fork Sayles Creek
  • North High Park Trail
  • Null
  • Old US Highway 14A
  • Old Woodrock Road
  • Poison Creek Road
  • Sand Coulee (Forest Route 238)
  • Sand Draw Road
  • Sheep Mountain Road
  • Stockwell Pack Trail
  • Trigger Lake Road
  • U South Forest Service Road 13
  • US Forest Service Road 353
  • Usfs 122
  • Usfs 132
  • West Tenslep Shg Road

Attractions in the Hikepack map

  • Ant Hill
  • Antelope Butte
  • Arrowhead Lodge
  • Bald Mountain
  • Bald Mountain Campground
  • Bear Lodge Resort
  • Bear Mountain
  • Big Goose Campground
  • Big Mountain
  • Bighorn Peak
  • Black Butte
  • Black Mountain
  • Black Rib
  • Black Tooth Mountain
  • Bomber Mountain
  • Bruce Mountain
  • Buck Mountain
  • Bucking Mule Falls
  • Bucking Mule Falls Observation Point
  • Bucking Mule Trailhead
  • Burgess Junction
  • Campground
  • Cedar Mountain
  • Cement Mountain
  • Cloud Peak
  • Cone Mountain
  • Darton Peak
  • Dead Swede Campground
  • Dome Peak
  • East Fork Campground
  • Ed Point
  • Elephant Foot
  • Elk Mountain
  • Elk Peak
  • Elk View Inn
  • Fallen City
  • Fallen City Scenic Viewpoint
  • Fisher Mountain
  • Freeze Out Point
  • Grandmas Mountain
  • Grouse Mountain
  • Hazelton Peak
  • Hazelton Pyramid
  • Hesse Mountain
  • Hettinger Group Campground
  • Horse Creek Mesa
  • Horseshoe Mountain
  • Hunt Mountain
  • Hunter Mesa
  • Iron Mountain
  • Jaws Trailhead
  • Leaky Mountain
  • Little Bald Mountain
  • Little Goose Peak
  • Little Goose campground
  • Little Mountain
  • Loaf Mountain
  • Lookout Mountain
  • Mather Peaks
  • Meadow Lark Lake
  • Medicine Mountain
  • Middle Fork Campground
  • Mount Woolsey
  • Observation Point
  • Parking Area
  • Penrose Peak
  • Pit Toilet
  • Porcupine Campground
  • Porcupine Falls
  • Porcupine Falls Trailhead
  • Powder River Pass
  • Powder River Pass information sign
  • Riley Point
  • Rooster Hill
  • Saddle Mountain
  • Sawmill Lakes Trailhead
  • Scenic Viewpoint
  • She-Bear Mountain
  • Sheep Mountain
  • Shell Falls
  • Snowshoe Mountain
  • Spanish Point
  • Sunlight Mesa
  • Swamp Creek Hill
  • The Island
  • Tongue Butte
  • Twin Buttes
  • Twin Lakes Picnic Site
  • Well
  • West Tensleep Lake Campground
  • West Tensleep Lake Trailhead
  • Weston Point


The PDF and JPG maps are released by Hikepack under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Contains data ©OpenStreetMap contributors ( under the Open Database License ( Topographic map based on elevation data from (Jonathan de Ferranti). Description text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License from Wikipedia ( Cover image ©Fabien Fivaz CC BY 2.0 (