The Youth Park was built between 1965 and 1974, by following the designs of Valentin Donose, and the construction works took so long since the topography on which the park lays at present featured its inner challenges which had to be dealt with in order to implement the design of the venue. The park fills a surface of some 80 hectares and it stretches on the south side of Bucharest, just between two other smaller parks, namely, the Carol Park and the Văcăreşti Park, delineated at northeast by the Tineretului Boulevard, and by the Olteniţei Street at southwest. The park also neighbors on one of the most celebrated cemeteries in Bucharest, that is, the Bellu Cemetery.
Trails in the Hikepack map
Calea Piscului
Strada Dâmbului
Attractions in the Hikepack map
Apărătorii Patriei
Bd. Constantin Brâncoveanu
Berceni (M2)
Cafeneaua Actorilor
Casa Diham
Casa Oprescu
Cimitirul Șerban Vodă
Constantin Brâncoveanu (M2)
Dimitrie Leonida
Eroii Revoluției (M2)
Grădina Valorilor Românești
Hotel HK
Liceul Gheorghe Șincai
Locomotivă cu aburi
Opriș Ilie
Palatul Copiilor
Parcare Sala Polivalenta
Parcare Sala Polivalenta 2
Parcul Tineretului
Piața Sudului (M2)
Piața Unirii 2
Punct de colectare a deseurilor
Restaurant HK
Restaurant Le Medieval
Restaurant Sevis
Rondul de Trandafiri
Taverna Pescărească
Terasa Castel
Trattoria Angoli
Trattoria Piccola
Trattoria Rossini
Șoseaua Mihai Bravu
Ștrandul Văcărești - Ștrandul Copiilor
The PDF and JPG maps are released by Hikepack under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)