Pureora Forest Park is a 760-square-kilometre (290 sq mi) protected area in the North Island of New Zealand. Within its rich rain forest are an abundance of 1,000-year-old podocarp trees. It is "recognised as one of the finest rain forests in the world". Established in 1978, after a series of protests and tree sittings, the park is one of the largest intact tracts of native forest in the North Island and has high conservation value due to the variety of plant life and animal habitats available. New Zealand's largest totara tree is located nearby on private land. Camping, picnicking, swimming, and mountain biking (e.g. the Timber Trail opened in 2013) are popular within the park's confines. And the Pureora Forest Park Hunting Competition has brought hunters to the area since 1987. There are many areas in the park that are interesting to both tourists and scientists. The Forest Tower is a 12-metre-tall tower located about ten minutes by foot from the Bismarck Road car park. Popular with ornithologists, birds such as kuku, kakariki, and kaka are evident in the area. The 1978 Treetop Protest Site is still accessible today and includes platforms high in the trees. A 1940s steam hauler, used to transport logs through the forest for milling, and a 2-tonne Caterpillar tractor are still present in the reserve, the latter was used in the 1950s to harvest many totara for posts.
Trails in the Hikepack map
Amos Road
Aotearoa Road
Atkinson Road
Bayley Road
Beards Road
Blackfern Track
Bog Inn Track
Centre of the North Island
Dillon Road
Duncan Road
Eastward Road
Great Lake Trail
Grice Road
Harvey Road
Hingaia Road
Hoddle Road
Huirimu Road
Jones Road
Kahorekau Road
Ketemaringi Track
Kokomiko Road
Lake Road
Loop Road
Maihiihi Road
Mangakahu Road
Mangatukutuku bridge
Mangatutu Road
Mangawhio Road
Mclean Road
Millard Road
Monarch Road
Ngapuke Road
Ngaroma Road
Okauaka Road
Ongarue Stream Road
Oruaiwi Road
Otataka Road
Otewa Road
Paewhenua Road
Ranginui Road
River Trail
Ropiha Road
Stewart Road
Tahae Road
Taringamotu Road
Taupaki Road
Tauraroa Valley Road
Te Araroa - North Island
The Timber Trail
Timber Trail
Timber Trail Connection Waikato River TA
Tolley Road
Waihora Lagoon Track
Waihora Track
Waikato River Trail
Waikato River Trail TA section
Waikato River Trails
Waikoura bridge
Waimahora Road
Waione Road
Waipari Road
Wairehi Road
Waituhi Road
Wall Road
Wharepuhunga Road
Whatauri Road
Wynyards Road
Attractions in the Hikepack map
Access to Waipapa Dam climbing crag
Bog Inn Hut
Caterpillar tractor
DOC Campsite
Falls camp (historic)
Forest Tower
Great Lake Trail
Harrisons Creek shelter
Hauhungaroa Hut
Kawauariki Falls
Lakeside Village Inn
Mangakino Community Pool
Mangakino Four Square
Mangakino Hotel
Mangakino Rowing Camp
Mangatukutuku bridge
Maniatangaroa Falls
Maramataha Gorge swing bridge
Mystery Creek shelter
Ngaherenga Campsite
No 10 camp (historic)
No 10 camp shelter
No 11 Camp
Ongarue Spiral
Owen Falls
Piropiro Campsite
Skid platform
Te Ranga
The Dam Cafe
Tihoi Trading Post
Timber Trail
Timber Trail Shelter
Toilet open only during sports events
Tom & Shorty
Waihaha Hut
Waikoura bridge
Waione siding
Waipapa Dam climbing crag
Waituhi Lookout
Waituhi Saddle
Whakamaru Store
Wilton Falls
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