Ashley - Rakahuri River Regional Park

70 Trails 193 POIs 19 Peaks 3 Campsites 2 Picnic Sites 2 Viewpoints

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The Ashley River / Rakahuri is in Canterbury Region of New Zealand. It flows generally southeastwards for 65 kilometres (40 mi) before entering the Pacific Ocean at Waikuku Beach, Pegasus Bay north of Christchurch. The town of Rangiora is close to the south bank of the Ashley River. The river's official name was changed from Ashley River to the dual name Ashley River / Rakahuri by the Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998. The river emanates from mountains in the west Lees Valley adjacent to Island Hills station and exits the hills at a gorge near Oxford township. It has tributaries of Duck Creek in this valley and is an accumulator of watershed between Lees Valley and Oxford township. Behind Waikuku Beach is one of the largest, least modified estuaries in New Zealand. It is abundant in bird life, including the wrybill (Anarhynchus frontalis) and Black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae). Many migratory birds over-winter here.

Trails in the Hikepack map

  • (track to Garry River)
  • Ashley Gorge Loop Track
  • Blowhard Track
  • Bob's Camp Route
  • Bypass Track
  • Cattle Peak Route
  • Forestdale Road
  • Forrest Track
  • Garry Road
  • Hillside Road
  • Kereru Track
  • Kohu Road
  • Link Road
  • Loop Track
  • Lundy Road
  • Mataura Road
  • O'Hallorans Road
  • Okuku Pass Road
  • Pinchgut Hut Route
  • Pinchgut Road
  • Red Pine Track
  • Reserve Road
  • Richardson Track
  • Ridge Track
  • Saddle Track
  • Sands Road
  • Smiths Road
  • Summit Track
  • Whare Route
  • Wooded Gully Track

Attractions in the Hikepack map

  • Ashley Gorge Loop Track
  • Blowhard Track carpark
  • Bob's Camp Bivouac
  • Forrest Track
  • Glentui
  • Glentui Bush Reserve
  • Gorge Stream Falls
  • Loop Track
  • Mount Richardson
  • Mount Thomas
  • Pinchgut Hut
  • Puketeraki Forest Conservation Area Car Park
  • Richardson Track
  • Wooded Gully


The PDF and JPG maps are released by Hikepack under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Contains data ©OpenStreetMap contributors ( under the Open Database License ( Topographic map based on elevation data from the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA (SRTM 1 Arc-Second Global). This work is based on/includes LINZ's data (Aerial imagery) which are licensed by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence ( This work is based on/includes LINZ's data (NZ Topo 50) which are licensed by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence ( Description text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License from Wikipedia ( Cover image ©Andrew Cooper CC BY 3.0 (