Knapdale National Scenic Area

125 Trails 72 POIs 7 Peaks 11 Picnic Sites 3 Viewpoints

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Knapdale (Scottish Gaelic: Cnapadal) forms a rural district of Argyll and Bute in the Scottish Highlands, adjoining Kintyre to the south, and divided from the rest of Argyll to the north by the Crinan Canal. The area is bounded by sea to the east and west (Loch Fyne and the Sound of Jura respectively), whilst the sea loch of West Loch Tarbert almost completely cuts off the area from Kintyre to the south. The name is derived from two Gaelic elements: Cnap meaning hill and Dall meaning field. Knapdale gives its name to the Knapdale National Scenic Area, one of the forty national scenic areas in Scotland, which are defined so as to identify areas of exceptional scenery and to ensure its protection from inappropriate development.

Trails in the Hikepack map

  • East Loch Sween Road
  • NCN National Route 78 (south)
  • Woodland Trail

Attractions in the Hikepack map

  • Achahoish
  • Achnamara
  • Achnashelloch
  • An Garadh
  • An Stuchd
  • Ardnoe Point
  • Bar Thormaid
  • Barnluasgan
  • Barr Bàn
  • Barr an Daimh
  • Bellanoch
  • Benan Ardifuir
  • Bridgend
  • Bàrr Mòr
  • Bàrr an Fhithich
  • Bàrr na h-Iolaire
  • Carsaig
  • Castle Sween
  • Castle Well
  • CastleSween Visitors Parking
  • Clach-dhruim Mòr
  • Cnoc Biorach
  • Cnoc Mòine
  • Cnoc Reamhar
  • Cnoc Stighseir
  • Cnoc a'Phrop
  • Cnoc an t-Samhlaidh
  • Cnoc na Faire
  • Cnoc na Mòine
  • Cnoc na Mòine Gile
  • Cnoc na h-Eilde
  • Coffee Shop
  • Creag Ghlas
  • Creag Mhòr
  • Crinan
  • Crinan Hotel
  • Cruach Breacain
  • Cruach Lusach
  • Cruach Mòr Dunardry
  • Cruach nam Fiadh
  • Cruach nan Cuilean
  • Cruach nan Lochan
  • Druim Buidhe
  • Druim Mòr
  • Dunadd
  • Dunadd (Iron Age Fort)
  • Duntrune Castle
  • Dùn Mòr
  • Gabhalach
  • Kilmichael of Inverlussa
  • Kilmory
  • Kilmory Chapel
  • Kilmory Cottages
  • Kintallan
  • Knapdale Beaver Trail Visitor Centre
  • Moine Mhor National Nature Reserve
  • Ormsary
  • Sidhean Buidhe
  • Sidhean Rèidh
  • Tayvallich
  • Tayvallich Shop and Coffee Shop
  • The Tayvallich Inn
  • Tòrr Mòr


The PDF and JPG maps are released by Hikepack under the Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Contains data ©OpenStreetMap contributors ( under the Open Database License ( Topographic map based on elevation data from (Jonathan de Ferranti). Description text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License from Wikipedia ( Cover image ©Malcolm Campbell CC BY-SA 2.5 (